Today’s New Moon comes on the heels of eclipse season, as Saturn and Pluto slowly break away from their conjunction, and we start to plant ourselves more firmly into the new year. With Aquarius moving into the fold, whatever has been shaken or stirred by these big planetary motions is now ready for further revolution.
The Water Bearer brings fixed energies with a progressive edge. The airy nature of this sign is all about perspective, a bird’s eye examination of the world, and stubborn commitment to the potential that is recognized through this view.
The relationship between what is occurring now in Capricorn (as Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto navigate through this Cardinal Earth territory) and Aquarius (Saturn’s other sign) is ripe for continued twists and turns throughout the year. This New Moon is a preview, a teaser for the Aquarian oversight which lies ahead. The need for structural change, the triggers which will make this reality clear, and the drive to revolutionize are continued themes for many months to come.
Uranus (Aquarius’ ruling planet for modern astrologers) makes a square to today’s New Moon, offering a spark of metamorphic possibility and the potential for some kind of brilliance in today’s energies. A sextile from Chiron initiates the opportunity for healing and for bringing personal work with emotional wounds to the next level of development, into the realm of shared awakening.
It’s a nice time to examine what has been revealed through the energies of the past few weeks and consider next steps on both big and small scales. Open to what feels both radical and necessary in the name advancement of the world around you, step into the place where rationale and cutting edge vision meet, and towards the inspiration that comes from organizing for a brighter future.