Today’s New Moon can be held as an ambassador to the many important transitions taking place in the skies this week. Yesterday saw the North Node, South Node, and Uranus each move from Fixed energies into Cardinal placements. On Thursday, Jupiter makes a big move into his home sign of Sagittarius. Many moving pieces come along with this Moon bringing major energetic adjustments into the skyscape.
As the Moon joins the Sun in the sign of Scorpio, we are guided into a period of emotional intensity, a focus on descent and decay. The less-rosy aspects of life come into view. Jupiter has been here, in Scorpio, for just over a year and has done due diligence in bringing much of the underbelly to light. Jupiter is the conductor for wisdom, expanse and opportunity...when his power is spread through the deep waters of Scorpio what emerges good deal of focus on the shadow, on unearthing shadow pieces, and the cultivation of wisdom in areas we generally prefer not to look at.
Today the Moon kicks off her own Scorpio-cycle. The heart may be feeling the absences of life, the grief or potential or power of the void. The deeply personal work done during this course of Venus retrograde may have already invited your passage into these depths: the revisitation of loves and losses, the expression of unspoken issues, of pieces held within, the taboos, secrets, the severities of death, the attention to issues of priority and protection. The Scorpio Moon brings this all in - into the dark newness of her cycle and into the opportunity for rebirth.
With all the activity present in the heavens it is clear that there is a Part 2 to all the transformation that has been stirred over the last few weeks. This week brings us to the Second Act, a portion of the story with a different flavor altogether.
As Jupiter transitions from the intense territory of Scorpio into the fire and light of Sagittarius, and the Nodes release the final bits of karmic processing from the last 18 months, a new vision arises. New possibilities will be in the air. Our inhale is changed, filled with new textures, qualities, different elements.
You may notice this right away - with this New Moon or in the days that follow. Or you may sit in the void - the unknown and unlit - at the beginning of this new cycle, breathing in this undefined space while the newness quietly takes its place. Allow yourself to trust. Know that your experience is the one you need, that your pause is as long as it is meant to be. Each awakening is being held in this darkness, awaiting that perfect moment of arrival.