We’ve seen Venus shining brightly all summer. That glimmering body you’ve noticed each evening in the western sky? That’s would be Her, also called by the names Aphrodite, Inanna, and Astarte. She is known as the Goddess of Love and Beauty, Mother to Cupid, both Morning and Evening Star, the Fairer Benefic, and the Laughter Loving Queen.
Venus turns retrograde on July 22, 2023 and will begin to fall from earthly view in the weeks that follow.
And what exactly does this mean for us mere mortals?
Earthly experiences under Venus retrograde tend to to contain deep considerations involving relationship, beauty, and worth.
All retrogrades beckon us inward, in some way or another. For Venus, the inward journey calls us to consider what we deeply value and the movements we must make to cultivate that which is desired. Mid-retrograde, Venus drops into the purifying flames of the Sun. A piece of self-worth is exposed, an external attachment released, something dies, and rebirth is granted.
What exactly this looks like is, of course, different for everyone. Possible scenarios include:
break-ups, but also re-commitments in love relationships
personal re-inventions
cutting ties in unhealthy situationships
scandalous affairs
the exposure of values
reconsiderations of worth and work ethic
overspending or re-evaluations of financial expenditures
purging the wardrobe, bad haircuts, and stylish changes
releasing bad habits
pushing against the status quo
The descent of the Goddess influences us each uniquely. The natal position of Venus by sign and house, her aspects, and other relevant Venusian signatures we personally carry each influence our late summer journey. A perusal of past retrograde occurrences is recommended.
Venus’ station falls at 28°36 in the sign of Leo. The retrograde takes Her back through the proud and powerful, sometimes dramatic, Fixed sign of the celestial Lion. Leonine themes such as the ability to be be seen, relationship with joy and radiance, and connection to the heart may factor powerfully into the retrograde.
On September 3, Venus makes her direct station at 12°12 of Leo. She re-emerges in the sky in late August as the Morning Star, the fiercer, more active face of the Goddess.
Key Dates
July 22 - Venus Stations Retrograde, 28°36 Leo
Aug 13 - Venus Cazimi, 20°28 Leo
Sept 3 - Venus Stations Direct, 12°12 of Leo
This post was originally published on our sister site, Based Astrology